I have been playing osu! on the PC for five months now, and discovered this game quite a while ago. However, I never downloaded it until now because I didnt expect it to be all that great. I was pleasantly surprised to find that osu!Stream is its own beast to master, and has some gameplay elements (two notes simultaneously) that osu!PC doesnt have.
Though its far from being a great game - There are lots of potential things that dont exist. I understand that its made by one guy with little time, but it doesnt change that fact. Specifically, I want to download beatmaps for free, be able to use my osu!PC account (Stream would likely be its own gamemode), and I want to be able to at least change the hit sounds. Those three things would be a good start to making this app come closer to what it could potentially be.
Exhelah about osu!stream, v1.51